
Zinepalooza! Three new zines from Explore Dungeons!

Created by Chris G. Williams

3 new TTRPG zines for 2022 - Explore Dungeons #3 (system neutral), sMörkåsBorg #1 (Mörk Borg), and Tales From the Tower (D&D 5e)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PledgeManager and Surveys are in review.
over 2 years ago – Tue, May 31, 2022 at 09:16:10 AM

I've finished setting up the PledgeManager in BackerKit and creating the surveys. 

They have been submitted to BackerKit for review, which can take 2-3 days. Then, assuming there are no issues, I'll do a smoke test where we send surveys out to a small number of backers to make sure everything works right. And THEN... the surveys will go out to everyone else. 

So probably Friday for the smoke test and early next week for the rest of the surveys.

Surveys coming soon(ish)
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 08:47:09 PM

Hi everyone!

I'm currently working on layout for the new zines, waiting on the reprints of EDZ#1 and EDZ#2 to show up, and setting up the BackerKit Pledge Manager, and creating the backer surveys, while also dealing with all the moving parts of KINLESS, our Mörk Borg solo viking adventure. 

Oh and a new job, crazy blood sugar (~600 for nearly a month), worsening vision, cataracts, glaucoma, exhaustion, no insurance, and whatever else the gods decide to throw in my path. 

Needless to say it's been a lot, but I'm still alive and pushing onward, ever forward. Also, I have some GREAT ideas for the next project, but hey let's get these out the door first, right? 

But sci-fi, space, robots, horror, and ok I'll shut up...

Give me a couple weeks on the surveys. Once I set everything up, BackerKit has to go in and tell me what I inevitably did wrong and blah blah blah. It just takes time. But there is progress.


Wow!! What a finish!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 04, 2022 at 12:28:24 PM

Thank you everyone for backing this project, spreading the word, and going on this adventure with us.

It's gonna get quiet for a couple weeks while we wait for cards to get charged and the funding from Kickstarter to arrive. 

During that time I'll also be setting up the BackerKit Pledge Manager surveys so you can pick out which zines you want. There are officially 5 books to choose from: 

  • Explore Dungeons Zine #1 
  • Explore Dungeons Zine #2
  • Explore Dungeons Zine #3
  • Tales From The Tower #1
  • sMörkåsBorg #1

In addition, everyone who backed at a level that gets rewards (digital or physical) gets the World of Aach'yn Digital Bundle with 6 more books and a map for FREE! Those will be fulfilled via DriveThruRPG in a few weeks. The remaining digital books will be fulfilled as they are ready and we send them off  to the printers.

Talk to you soon!


Super Stretch Goal unlocked...
over 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 10:15:14 PM

Hey everybody,

I usually like to wait a couple days to be sure, but...

You Did It!

We broke through the Super Stretch Goal ($3,000) which means everyone that gets rewards will also get the World of Aach'yn digital bundle (assuming we're still above $3,000 when the Kickstarter ends in a couple weeks.)

I'll have more of an update later this week, I'm still a bit under the weather but it's finally getting better.

Talk to you soon,


New stretch goal at $3000 - more PDFs
over 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 04, 2022 at 12:04:46 PM

The $15 PDF bundle is already an absolute steal, right? For $15, you get all 3 issues of the Explore Dungeons Zine plus Tales from the Tower #1 and sMörkåsBorg #1 in digital format (PDF). That's five zines for $15.

I'd love to see us get to $3000 though, so I'm sweetening the pot a bit. If we get there, I'm going to throw in the World of Aach'yn Digital bundle for free to ALL pledge levels (that get rewards). 

That's SIX more digital books, and includes: 

  •  Portents of Doom (Rise of the Snake God) - our D&D 5e AND Pathfinder 1e adventure set in the World of Aach'yn.
  •  Blood of the Merchant - a collection of short fiction, set in the World of Aach'yn.
  •  Plants of Aach'yn Field Guide - a handy resource to the various flora found in the World of Aach'yn, and their in-game effects.
  •  Gods of Aach'yn - the complete pantheon of major and minor deities.
  •  Monsters of Aach'yn - a bestiary of creatures benevolent and malign that roam the World of Aach'yn.
  •  World of Aach'yn Player's Primer - more information about the various cities and races of Aach'yn, beyond what is contained in the adventure.

Again, if we hit this goal, it'll be automatically added to every pledge level that gets rewards. Makes that $15 pledge look pretty good, right?

So let's see what we can do. We have just under 4 weeks to get there, and we're only about $700 away from $3k... Seems pretty doable to me.

You guys always surprise me though, so if we hit that goal, well... I dunno. We'll figure something out.
