
Zinepalooza! Three new zines from Explore Dungeons!

Created by Chris G. Williams

3 new TTRPG zines for 2022 - Explore Dungeons #3 (system neutral), sMörkåsBorg #1 (Mörk Borg), and Tales From the Tower (D&D 5e)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Absolutely Everything Has Shipped.
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 09:20:32 AM

Hi Everyone!

Like the title says. Absolutely everything has shipped. All international and domestic backer rewards. All preorders. All damage claims. EVERYTHING.



Weekly update
about 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 03, 2023 at 06:08:19 PM

Hi everyone!

Sorry for being a couple days late on this week's update. Surgery went well and my eye pressure is right where it's supposed to be, so that's awesome. I've had a few new orders come in over the last couple weeks, thanks to people spreading the word about this project on social media. Much appreciated!! Feel free to tag me on the page if you post anything when you get your books.

Got a BUNCH of orders packed up over the last couple days. I only have FOUR orders left to send out, and those will be done by tomorrow. Speaking of which, tomorrow is a holiday in the US, so everything will get picked up on Tuesday. 

I also have one replacement order to take care of, but then that's it aside from the occasional new order that rolls in.

Thank you everyone for your patience and kind words. I'll send another update once everything is in the mail.

Once Kinless is done, keep an eye out for Zinepalooza Too which will feature some new material and possibly a whole new zine or two, in addition to new issues of the old favorites.


No Update This Week
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 07:56:24 AM

The irony of sending an update that says there's no update is not lost on me.

As some of you know,  I have eye surgery on Friday morning. The procedure is quick and the risks are low, but because of diabetes there's always a chance of complications. I've been doing ok with just one eye for a few years now, but man... the thought of surgery on my "good" eye scares the hell out of me. Honestly, I'm starting to twitch a bit just writing this post.

Best case scenario: I sleep it off and I'm fine-ish by Friday night.  Maybe a little blurry.

More likely scenario: some possible inflammation and minor bleeding. Essentially blind for 2-3 days.

Unlikely worst case scenario: the activity in the front of my eye riles up the retinopathy and macular degeneration in the back of my eye, all hell breaks loose (weak blood vessels burst, filling the eye with blood and everything goes dark) and I'm effectively blind for a few months until it all clears out. Assuming the excess blood doesn't clog the drainage in my eye and my pressure goes up making my glaucoma worse and they need to do more surgery to replace the drain which means a new lens too and then even longer recovery time.

So... if you have a spare goat, throw it on the pyre and ask the gods to watch over me on this one.

Thanks for the patience and encouragement and I'll see you on the other side of this.


Shipping Update
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 03:32:09 PM

Hello All,

All Domestic Orders have shipped. 

I have 9 International Orders remaining, but those will go out on Thursday, because Holy Crom the postage is insane. Those 9 packages are going to cost me a little over $600.00 to ship. No joke.

Talk to you soon.


Shipping Update: US and International shipping continues.
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 01:25:14 PM

TLDR; US and International shipping continues.

Hi All,

US and International shipping continues.

