
Zinepalooza! Three new zines from Explore Dungeons!

Created by Chris G. Williams

3 new TTRPG zines for 2022 - Explore Dungeons #3 (system neutral), sMörkåsBorg #1 (Mörk Borg), and Tales From the Tower (D&D 5e)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Still here, still working.
over 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 07:06:43 AM

Hello everyone,

Apologies for the radio silence. I'm still here. Still marching toward the finish line. 

The year got off to a pretty good start, but momentum slowed down a bit again in February/March, unfortunately. Not going to list a bunch of excuses or reasons. Suffice to say, I'm still here.

There are a couple pieces of good news though:

I recently changed jobs and now work from home full-time again. Now, obviously that doesn't mean I can work on Kickstarter stuff 8 hours a day, but it DOES give me back roughly 3 hours per day not spent driving or going out to lunch so that's going to help A LOT. Also, this is a much better job for me than my last one, which means I'll actually have the MENTAL ENERGY to write again.

The other good thing is that the semester is almost over. I have finals next week and then I am DONE with school for the summer and possibly a little longer... I'm not going back to school until after everything ships. If that means skipping Fall semester, then ok, that's what I'll do. You guys have waited long enough and let's be real, I'm ready to be done as well.

So what does that mean for you guys? The goal is to ship late summer/early fall. Now that I'm getting a big chunk of my life back, I feel pretty good about saying that. I've also got a few folks on here who are COMMITTED to reminding me to post updates more frequently. Thanks guys.

Thanks for your patience!


Sorceries of the Prismatic Veil
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 09:29:24 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Proper update coming soon
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 08, 2023 at 03:45:07 PM

I'll try and get a proper update out in the next day or so.

It's still moving forward, slowly. Lots going on. Been sick as hell for most of December. I got sick, then my wife got sick, then I got sick again, now she's sick again.

Creativity is a labor of love and sometimes things like life and work get in the way, but it's even harder when your own body is fighting against you.

Stay tuned and thank you for your patience.

Tales from the Tower sample
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 10:16:59 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

It's been a while...
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 08:25:20 PM

You guys are hungry for an update, I get it.

If there is one thing I really suck at... it's writing updates. Well, and social media. Ok, that's two things. Two things I suck at. Oh and estimating. Not great at estimating. Three, man... that's three things I suck at. Ok, but I think that's it. Well, I've also been told I'm not funny, so I guess that's four things. But that should be it.

Anyway... Let's start with


These guys have been waiting for an update even longer than the KINLESS folks, and for that I'm sorry.  Please see the first section for an explanation on all the ways I suck as a human being.

Obviously this project is late, but my goal is to have it out by the end of the year. I was waiting on content from a couple of people, and then everything kind of went sideways. Job, Health, Life, etc... you get the idea. I have all the content except one thing I was really hoping for, but we're pressing on without it.

Tales from the Tower #1 is essentially complete and going through layout now. I might need a couple of minor art pieces, but nothing major. I hope to have it to the printers soon (see I'm learning not to give actual dates, since I never make them.)

sMörkåsBorg #1 has most of the content, and is waiting for me to finish a couple things (and the layout for TFTT#1) and then it's next.

Explore Dungeons Zine #3 has all content and most of the art. Just waiting on layout, which I will probably farm out to someone other than myself so I can get it moving as well.


I've been super busy on KINLESS. I had to deal with some medical stuff that none of you care about, but that's behind me for now. Maybe more on that later. I've been writing again, and revising, and trying stuff out. Liz has been busy arting and Charles has been writing and collaborating as well.  I don't have a revised timeline, but I definitely have some renewed energy and sense of purpose. (It's been a rough year.) I know it's late, but it's absolutely not dead in the water as some have speculated. KINLESS will ship. It'll probably be my last BIG project though. We'll see.

One thing I've been toying with, and I mentioned this in the Facebook group already, is how all of the Major Encounters have two names. There's their actual name, and what the locals call them. And then there's the dragon. For him, I'm playing around with a random name generator thats a little more flavor to replays. Instead of just "The Dragon" his default name will be Magni Ormr (Great Dragon) but you can optionally roll for a multi-part name like Ancient Holgarr the Conqueror Wyrm or Wrathful Ormr the Malevolent. You get the idea.  One member of the group (Thank You, Craig Daley) suggested that names should mean something in terms of gameplay, so depending on what you roll, there will be implications.

I've also been doing some work on the "World of KINLESS" stretch goal, which will contain information about further adventures in this setting, as well as dragging your friends along with you. There have been a couple of things that I wanted to add to the main game, but have opted to push off to a section I'm tentatively calling "Optional Rules To Make Things Even Harder" for you advanced players. So far this includes things like encumbrance/carrying capacity and being hunted (although that one may end up in the main game... time will tell).

Some of you may have also backed my other project, so here's an update on that one too...

What else?

I try to participate in Zine Month (February) every year, but given the current state of these two projects, and my ongoing workload and health issues, I'm planning on skipping it.  Kind of a bummer, but first things first.

Thanks for reading. If you made it this far, add a +2 bonus on your next die roll. I won't tell anyone.
