
Zinepalooza! Three new zines from Explore Dungeons!

Created by Chris G. Williams

3 new TTRPG zines for 2022 - Explore Dungeons #3 (system neutral), sMörkåsBorg #1 (Mörk Borg), and Tales From the Tower (D&D 5e)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 22, 2023 at 07:10:09 PM

Hi All,

This weekend, I shipped the following package groups:

  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1 - US
  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1, 1x Tales From the Tower #1 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #1, 1x Tales From the Tower #1 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #1, 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #2, 1x Tales From the Tower #1 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #1 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #2 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #2, 1x sMörkåsBorg #1, 1x Tales From the Tower #1 - US
  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1, 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #1 - US
  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1, 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #2 - US

As mentioned before, the packages containing a copy of EDZ #3 will ship later. Also, since the international orders are a little more complicated (and wicked expensive) they will ship after the domestic packages (but likely before EDZ #3 packages.)


Shipping Update
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 09:18:52 AM

Hi all,

Just a quick shipping update. Future updates will (likely) follow this same format and will (likely_ come out weekly.

This week, I shipped the following package groups:

  • 1x TalesFromTheTower #1 - US

I'm currently preparing these package groups to ship:

  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #1 - US
  • 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #2 - US
  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1, 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #1 - US
  • 1x sMörkåsBorg #1, 1x Explore Dungeons Zine #2 - US

What else?

I mentioned before, EDZ #3 should be at the printers this weekend, and then it'll take about 2 weeks to get here, so any packages containing that one will be shipped last.


Shipping has begun
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 06:44:12 PM

Hi all,

I locked addresses a few days ago and I've started shipping everything that doesn't have EDZ #3 in it. 

I'm doing it all myself, so please be patient. I'm using BackerKit postage (which btw I highly recommend) and I'm honestly not sure if you get an email when I print your label (but I would assume so.) So keep an eye out for that and future updates as I ship each  package grouping* of books.

*package grouping, as in, packages containing 1 copy of sMörkåsBorg (only) make a group. Packages with 1 copy of sMörkåsBorg shipped internationally are a different group/ Packages with 1 copy of sMörkåsBorg and 1 copy of Tales From The Tower are another group.  You get the idea.  

With 5 different zines, plus t-shirts, shipping domestic and international, there are A LOT of possible package combinations.  Prior to BackerKit postage, this was a huge headache. No joke, I'm really impressed with how much easier this makes fulfillment.

sMörkåsBorg available!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 05:27:14 AM

Good mornevening everyone,

If you selected sMörkåsBorg #1 as one of your physical books (or the All Digital Bundle) then you should have received an email last night letting you know that sMörkåsBorg #1 is now available for download on the Backerkit site.

If you didn't get the email, just visit the backerkit site, log in and go to the Zinepalooza project and you'll see your files.

I uploaded 2 (two) versions of sMörkåsBorg #1. There's a regular version with single pages and there's also one with two page spreads. Personally, I think the spreads look better, but that might just be me.

Work progresses on Explore Dungeons Zine #3. I have some outstanding art orders, and some layout still to do, but hopefully will be done in a couple weeks. (I also didn't expect my house to get hit by lightning and take out my internet for 4 days last week, so... take it with a grain of salt.

Once EDZ #3 is done, and in my hands, and everything ships, then it's back to Kinless. I'm not taking on any new work until that is done, including school. I was hoping to be done before the fall semester starts, but I'm not holding my breath.

Talk to you soon.

sMörkåsBorg #1 and EDZ #3
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 05:09:36 AM

Hi everyone!

As I mentioned previously, all of the writing and layout for sMörkåsBorg #1 was done last week and I've just been waiting on the last few images to drop in.  I got those last night so expect to see sMörkåsBorg #1 show up in your downloads (if you selected it) by the end of the week. I should have it at the printer by this weekend as well.

While waiting on the last few pieces of art for sMörkåsBorg #1, I made a lot of progress on the layout for Explore Dungeons Zine #3. Realistically, I think I can have it done by the end of the month unless I have to wait for art (which does happen sometimes, but it's ALWAYS worth it.)

Once those are both in hand, fulfillment begins. I don't use any 3rd party fulfillment services, it's all me. So please continue to be patient as I get everything out in batches.

I'm ordering a little extra of everything, so if there's a problem with your order, please reach out and I'll get you squared away.

Once the books are at the printer, which takes a couple weeks to turnaround, I'll be shifting gears and jumping back on KINLESS full time. That's long overdue, and a much bigger project so I wanted to knock these off first so I could focus entirely on that and get it out the door.

After KINLESS? I have some smaller projects in mind, but first... a break. 

Then we'll start talking about new zines. EDZ #4, for sure. Probably sMörkåsBorg #2. Maybe a Tales From The Tower #2... although I wouldn't mind doing something for Call of Cthulhu, Mothership, or LotFP. I've been thinking about some post-apocalyptic science-fantasy adventures too. 

I have lots of ideas and not a lot of time, but don't we all?

Talk to you soon!