
Zinepalooza! Three new zines from Explore Dungeons!

Created by Chris G. Williams

3 new TTRPG zines for 2022 - Explore Dungeons #3 (system neutral), sMörkåsBorg #1 (Mörk Borg), and Tales From the Tower (D&D 5e)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

time for an update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 02:36:18 PM

Howdy everyone,

I hope you're enjoying the digital Tales From The Tower #1. Be sure to check your BackerKit downloads if it was one of your selections and you haven't downloaded it yet.

sMörkåsBorg is layout complete. I have placeholders for a handful of images that are currently underway from two excellent artists, but I hope to have it off to the printers in the next couple weeks. Once I have final art, I'll post it in the Downloads section as well.

Meanwhile, layout has begun on Explore Dungeons Zine #3. I'll have a better idea of how long that will take once I get further into it. It's going to need some art, of course, but I have people lined up for that.

Once that's done, it'll get posted, printed, and then shipping will begin. I'm quite excited about that, because I have thousands of zines sitting around my house waiting to go live somewhere else.

Work has also resumed on Kinless, finally. I wanted to knock out these smaller books so I could devote ALL of my time to finishing and shipping Kinless this year.  (If you aren't familiar with Kinless, our Viking themed solo survival adventure game for Mörk Borg, I encourage you to have a peek here.)

Thanks for reading. I'll talk to you soon. Most likely when the next download gets posted.


Good news and a sample.
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 08:31:00 PM

Hello everyone!

As I mentioned before, the Tales From The Tower #1 is done and at the printers.  sMörkåsBorg is well underway. One of the shorter pieces I recently finished is included below.

The Witch

So there's that... the other fun news is that I had been on the fence aboutwhether to upgrade the first Explore Dungeons Zine when doing the reprint and I'm pretty sure I never mentioned this, but I went ahead and upgraded it to color on the inside pages. (Much of the art was already color, just printed in black & white at the time.)

Now that I'm done with school, I have so much more space in my brain for writing. It may not seem like it, but it's actually going pretty fast.

That's all I'm sharing for this week, but I hope you enjoy it.


Digital Downloads, revisited
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 10:27:01 PM


There should be three files available for download right now and you should have received an email (provided you selected them during checkout -or- the all digital bundle, AND your order is locked and paid).

Explore Dungeons Zine #1, Explore Dungeons Zine #2, Tales From The Tower #1

Thank you to those of you who helped me troubleshoot the downloads issue!

Speaking of TFTT #1, it's headed to the printer this weekend. That'll take a couple weeks. While I'm waiting on that, I'll be working on sMörkåsBorg, which is well under way and I hope to have it done within the next 2 weeks.

After that is Explore Dungeons Zine #3 which I have all content for and is awaiting layout.

Also, after a brutal week, I'm officially done with finals and my 4.0 GPA survived another semester. I'm taking the summer off from school and possibly the fall semester too. Essentially I'm not going back to school until everything is shipped for Zinepalooza and Kinless.

It's late, I'm tired. Good night.

Digital Downloads
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 09:01:41 AM

Hello all!

A couple things of note. BackerKit has given me the "now or never" flag to run cards, so you'll see a charge from us for any extras you picked up, shipping, etc. This is different from the Kickstarter charge. Also, if you've already been charge by BackerKit, you won't get charged again for the same thing, don't worry.

The other, probably more exciting thing, is that Tales From The Tower #1 is DONE and through proofreading and tech review, and will be sent to the printers this weekend. We've also started uploading files to BacketKit for the Digital Downloads.

Currently Explore Dungeons Zine #1 and #2 are available for download. You won't see them unless you order is locked and your card has been run successfully. So if you DON'T see them, that's a good place to start. Did you do your survey? Was your card approved?

Tales From The Tower will be uploaded this weekend (possibly tonight). Once that's all sorted, I'll also start working on getting everyone added to the distribution in DriveThruRPG so I can get you all squared away there as well.

Safe Adventuring! Talk to you soon!


Tales From The Tower #1
over 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 08:27:00 PM

Hello all,

As of tonight, our D&D 5e zine "Tales From The Tower #1" is done with layout and in the hands of the proofreaders. Assuming nothing weird pops up, we'll be uploading the PDF to BackerKit and Mixam (the printer) in a couple days.  Uploads to DTRPG will happen a little later, but WILL happen.

I'll also be uploading the EDZ #1 and EDZ #2 reprint PDFs since those are ready too.

I have to say, it's a small bit of progress but it definitely feels good to have one more book in the release pipeline.

Finals this week and then back to writing again!
